Wednesday, March 12, 2008

All the stuff out there

My students have used Kidspiration many times before especially for mind maps or concept maps. I have to admit that I have never thought of using this application as a presentation tool. Thanks for sharing the article Patricia.
There are so many options for software out there that I think sometimes it becomes a bit overwhelming. Somebody said in an earlier post words to the effect, "why can't we all agree on on platform?". Sometimes I feel the same about software. Teachers are bombarded with all different applications that as soon as they become comfortable with one application their computers get a new OS which won't support it anymore or 5 new products have come out to replace it. I have never been a big fan of being told what to do but, if we have a standard curriculum and reporting system in the province is it crazy to think that a standard software image for schools is unrealistic?

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