Saturday, February 9, 2008

Podcasts/Digital Storytelling (DS)

As I have been going through the vast amount of information on podcasting and digital storytelling (DS), one thing has become abundantly clear, there is absolutely no limit to what can be done using DS in the classroom. I do not believe that there is one curriculum area that can't be explored using this technology, nor is DS specific to any particular grade. The possibilities appear to be endless when thinking about how this technology can be used within our classrooms. Therein lies the problem for some educators, the technology no matter how good or simple to use is getting in the way.

For many educators, and I include myself, see huge benefits to our student's engagement and enthusiasm in their learning. Teachers see these wonderful podcasts, iMovies, digital stories that can be created and are quite willing to join the technological parade. However, this is where sometimes I can see problems occurring. Wanting to run before we can walk can quickly stall or collapse a wonderful lesson.

The KISS principle really works here; start with what you want your kids to learn and work backwards:
1) Start with what curriculum expectation
2) How you want the students to communicate their knowledge and understanding
3) Where are the students starting from - schema, background
4) How much time do you have
5) What resources will you need to support students - technological, print, human etc
6) What will the lesson cycle look like

I really liked this podcast and its message for teachers when thinking about how to set up a podcast in the classroom.

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