Monday, February 18, 2008

Visual Learner and Web 2.0

I thought this was an interesting article in that the authors included some statistics which demonstrate the extent of student technology use. They state that according to the new era of Web 2.0 (which I understand refers to the mass availability of software that allows for creation, storage and interactive communication of ideas and information online) the environment for the visual learner has never been so conducive and supportive.
Citing a report by Pew Internet and American Life Project 93% of American teens use the internet (makes me wonder why the other 7% aren't) and 63% of those users are web content creators. Those are amazing numbers and within those numbers the needs of visual learners are being addressed.
The authors key in on the idea that this is a new technological age where the opportunity exists(Web 2.0) for so many people to access free internet sites which allow the user the opportunity to create, store and share their ideas. There is a great example in the article which demonstrates the ability to create the same digital story using 50 different free online applications. I have included the url, which provides links to all 50 applications.

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