Monday, February 18, 2008



You raise some interesting points, especially when you ask the question as to what your board or any other board is doing to address the funding of technologies which support visual learners. Recognizing that there is a finite amount of dollars for funding education, the choices that the ministry and boards are left with is how to divide up that money.
I get the feeling lately that education dollars are being spent more and more on new initiatives that don't really address student learning but rather deal with student behaviours (e.g., School Based Bullying Committees, character education). I believe that if the ministry and boards were more focused, and directed our limited resources on keeping students engaged in their learning and addressing their specific learning styles that some of the additional issues that we are presently dealing with externally to our curriculum instruction would be dealt with.

A bit off topic I know, but throughout this course I have often wondered where the dollars are eventually going to come from to provide the funds for technology.

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